Archive for December, 2016




Which Worldview “Map” is Correct? (Part 2)

You can see that to understand the times and witness effectively, we must understand worldviews.  But it is also imperative that we answer the ultimate question, “Is Christianity the right religion?”  That’s the key to testing any worldview: answering the query, “Is this true?” People can believe whatever they want, but that doesn’t make it [&hellip




Which Worldview “Map” is Correct? (Part 1)

To defend Christianity, we need to grasp people’s worldview.  A worldview is the truth claims that explain the world and reality.  It helps people make sense of the world, like a map, so they can navigate through life. First, all worldviews begin with assumptions—even if they claim not to.  The worldview “map” needs to begin [&hellip




Persecution (Part 5)

As this series on persecution concludes, the reality of suffering for Jesus is simply part of the Christian life.  The Bible is filled with examples of it.  Through the suffering there are blessings, and people can witness to their faith in the midst of it.  But the greatest promise that Jesus gives in the face [&hellip

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