Archive for October, 2016




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 10)

To address a culture that is increasing in hostility to the faith, it will help to show how historically the Christian faith has done may positive things to influence life for the better. The weight of evidence is clearly in the Church’s favor.  For examples of this, check out Alvin Schmidt’s How Christianity Changed the [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 9)

As we continue to focus on the Post-Christian culture of our day, let’s turn our attention to the realm of the law.  As we noted earlier, when the religious make-up of the people changes, so do the laws.  Law follows culture.  Today it is imperative that we deal with legal issues—especially in defense of the [&hellip

The ABC’s of Defending the Faith (LEA)

ABCs of Defending Your Faith




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 8)

Because the culture is Post-Christian in its mindset, it is essential not to shrink from social issues, but rather to engage them.  This cultural battle is worth the cost, since lives and institutions are at stake.  Socially, it is also important to remember that the law follows culture.  As the culture becomes more anti-Christian, laws [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 7)

This is the first of five things that we can do in this culture in which we live.  As it turns away from God, we turn to Him, and let none of His words fall to the ground. First, apologetically defend the faith, explaining why Christianity matches reality best.  In order to do that, we [&hellip

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