Archive for November, 2015




Christianity’s Contributions: Charity increased (Part 4)

As we finish this month’s blog series on the increase of charitable giving due to the influence of Christianity,  let’s detail the developments through time. Orphanages were started by the Christian Church.  At first, Christians rescued abandoned children and raised them in their own homes.  After the legalization of Christianity by the Roman Empire (313 AD), [&hellip




Christianity’s Contributions: Charity increased (Part 3)

As we examine the impact of God’s Word on culture, one of the most profound changes was in the realm of assistance to the poor and needy.  Unlike the Roman concept of giving to get something in return, Christians followed the example of Christ and multiple verses that emphasized true charity—giving without expecting anything in [&hellip




Christianity’s Contributions: Charity increased (Part 2)

This month we examine the impact of aid given to the needy due to God’s Word and the charitable institutions that arose from the influence of the Christian church.  As we saw previously, charity wasn’t part of the fabric of Greco-Roman life.  It was, however, woven throughout the pages of the Bible. In the Old [&hellip




Christianity’s Contributions: Charity increased (Part 1)

Let’s turn our attention to the issue of charitable giving and the humane treatment of others as we continue to examine the contributions that Christianity has made in culture.  The Christian Church chartered a new direction in the treatment of the poor, sick, and others.  The reason for this was simple–such treatment was not found in the [&hellip

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